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Company Name | Group | High | Low | Last Price | % Chg | Value (Rs. cr.) | 5 Day Performance |
No data available |
Company Name | Current Value | Change % Chg |
S&P BSE Sensex | 57613.72 | 0.00 0.00 |
NIFTY 50 | 16951.70 | 0.00 0.00 |
S&P BSE Smallcap | 26159.03 | 0.00 0.00 |
S&P BSE Midcap | 23446.74 | 0.00 0.00 |
S&P BSE SmallCap Select Index | 4450.50 | 0.00 0.00 |
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Company Name | Price % Chg |
Market Cap(Rs. cr) |
RIL Partly Paid |
1,870.25 0.00 |
78,137.89 |
Mindtree |
3,433.35 0.00 |
56,635.04 |
GRUH Finance |
317.30 0.00 |
23,291.87 |
Odisha Cement |
2,438.05 0.00 |
21,736.02 |
Hexaware Tech |
470.75 0.00 |
14,138.06 |
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